Edinburgh College of Art
New connections
Our work at Edinburgh College of Art will involve strategy interventions into the existing buildings on the site to create collaboration spaces, increase the number of flexible studio spaces, improve the legibility and rhythm of circulation and the visual permeability of the campus. We will also fully renovate the Category A listed fire station to integrate it into the campus.
The relationships between the existing buildings on the campus have evolved over the years resulting in a series of soulless corridor connections and a disorientating lack of clarity. The strategic interventions we are making will improve the rhythm and variety of the circulation, creating larger communal collaboration and social spaces to promote chance interactions and humanise the experience of moving from building to building.
The accommodation will be structured by activity rather than by course work. This, together with the creation of social and collaboration spaces, will help promote creative cross-disciplinary dialogue. The potential collaborations between sound and vision will be particularly promoted by integrating the Reid School of Music onto the campus adjacent to visual arts and film.
The fire station will be refurbished with input from our interiors team to create a staff hub where colleagues from all five schools will have communal co-workspace and discreet research space, arranged in defined thematic neighbourhoods.
Project details
Project name: Edinburgh College of Art
Location: Edinburgh, UK
Services: Briefing and estates optimisation
Value: £20M – £50M
Scope: Architecture, Masterplanning
Clients: The University of Edinburgh
Status: Live