Earls Court
A blue print for future generations

A fresh masterplan that seeks to bring the wonder back to London’s most exciting development opportunity.

Until the Exhibition Centres were demolished, Earl’s Court had been a global showcase for innovation, entertainment and achievement for 150 years, supporting jobs and investment and helping local businesses to thrive.

Now, following an international competition we, along with Studio Egret West have been appointed by The Earls Court Development Company to help breathe new life and prosperity in to circa 40 acres of London’s most important Opportunity Area.
The guiding principles that govern our design approach are:
- create an exceptional place that embeds economic, social and environmental responsibility
- a landscape-led approach that amplifies nature
- a blended use environment with spaces working hard to deliver the principles of a circular economy
- a resilient masterplan, adaptable to future needs, maximising benefit for all
- the most connected place, open and accessible, helping make city life more equitable
- a continued heritage of world-class ingenuity, for Earls Court, for London, and for the UK
- welcome and surprise – to bring the wonder back to Earls Court
- creating a sense of place from day one

Our masterplan is underpinned by a Sustainable Development Charter focussed on three areas: social value, inclusion and environmental wellbeing. This will ensure the most beneficial impact on the local area both now, through meanwhile uses, and during the future redevelopment of the site.

Engagement with the community and wider stakeholders is at the heart of our design approach. Priorities for the Earls Court site new masterplan have been set and feedback sought at over 30 community events this summer alone. The emerging masterplan will be published in the New Year.
Project details
Project name: Earls Court
Location: London, UK
Services: Digital design
Scope: Masterplanning
Clients: The Earls Court Development Company
Status: Live
Collaborating masterplanner: Studio Egret West
Project management: G&T
Cost: Cast
Structures and transport: WSP
Sustainability and M&E: Hoare Lea
Planning: DP9
Agents: JLL and Knight Frank
Townscape: Tavernor Consultancy
Heritage: Montagu Evans
Social value: Real Worth
Engagement: London Communication Agency
Engagement: Iceni
Public affairs: Field Communications

Email: darrylchen@hawkinsbrown.com