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Green light for new homes and creative space in Hackney Wick

Notting Hill Genesis previously submitted a Reserved Matters Application (RMA), outlining how they would transform the sites into a new neighbourhood centre, which was granted permission in July.

Situated adjacent to Hackney Wick station, the project will provide a mix of London Affordable Rent, shared ownership and private sale housing. All homes will be five per cent larger than national size standards. Meanwhile, creatives and small businesses will benefit from more than 4,000sqm of commercial space, a quarter of which will be low-cost.

As part of the RMA, there will also be residential play areas, roof terraces and podium amenity. The plan is compliant with the New London Plan for cycle parking provision and has a focus on sustainability, with no fossil fuels needed to power either the homes or commercial space.


New homes across four buildings

This is such an exciting area, with fantastic transport links to the rest of London and beyond and we look forward to providing more of the quality, affordable homes so needed in this area.

London Legacy Development Corporation, which owns the land, is committed to the transformation of the Hackney Wick area into a thriving town centre, supporting existing communities, developing high-quality new homes and providing affordable workspaces.

The overall neighbourhood centre, on the border of Hackney and Tower Hamlets, will build upon the unique character and businesses in the area with further jobs and commercial opportunities planned and space for new retail, restaurants, bars and community facilities being provided.

It's been a pleasure collaborating with Notting Hill Genesis and the LLDC as well as Delvendahl Martin and Studio Weave to create a rich mix of homes, workplaces and community facilities that will become the heart of the community. The proposed buildings are rooted in the local industrial vernacular but each responds to the different dynamics of the individual character areas in which they are located.

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